
Door (Moria)
The Searchers' Eyrie (Moria)
The Broken Cleft (Moria)
The Door to the Clouds (Moria)
Modmulzarak (Moria)
Ninknakh Faltor (Moria)
The Hall of the High stair (Moria)
The Chamber of the Crossroads (Moria)
Manarbul (Moria)
The Dwarf-lords' Gate (Moria)
Katub-zahar (Moria)
The Chamber of Knowledge (Moria)
The Chamber of Wisdom (Moria)
The Stone Council (Moria)
Gazatmur (Moria)
The Cooling Chamber (Moria)
Dolven-view (Moria)
The Palace of Nain (Moria)
Lamab-dum (Moria)
The Deep-way (Moria)
The Vault of Durin (Moria)
Snaga-maudhul (Moria)
Shemeldurj (Moria)
The Chamber of Deep Thought (Moria)
Durin's Threshold: North Wing (Moria)
Durin's Threshold (Moria)
Lathbear Den (East Rohan)
Valley of the Lathbear (East Rohan)
Nink-hai War Camp (East Rohan)
Faldham (East Rohan)
Enswith's Farm (East Rohan)
Thurgyr's Farm (East Rohan)
Haligmar's Farm (East Rohan)
Sahard's Barn (East Rohan)
Sahard's Farm (East Rohan)
Zursnaga's Hideout (East Rohan)
Minas Rant (East Rohan)
Ambal's Den (East Rohan)
Caddabrand's Camp (East Rohan)
The Tower of Orthanc (Dunland)
The Gates of Isengard (Dunland)
Quickbeam's Grove (Dunland)
Orthanc Base (Dunland)
The Foundry (Dunland)
Pits of Isengard (Dunland)
Outbuildings of Isengard (Dunland)
Fangorn's Edge (Dunland)
Ox-xlan Merchant Camp (Dunland)
Fang-rider's Warren (Dunland)
The Savage Dens (entrance) (Dunland)
The Savage Dens (entrance) (Dunland)
Dagoras' Camp (Dunland)
The Pillar of the White Hand (Dunland)
Grimbold's Camp (Dunland)
The Pit of Iron (Dunland)
River-watch (Dunland)
Brontrig (Dunland)
Dol Baran (Dunland)
Forthbrond (Dunland)
Athdar (Dunland)
Cuvnerth (Dunland)
Wulf's Cleft (Dunland)
Wulf's Cleft Overlook (Dunland)
Tal Methedras (Dunland)
Ancient Norcrofts Tomb (East Rohan)
Mead Hall of Elthengels (East Rohan)
Elthengels Inn (East Rohan)
Elthengels (East Rohan)
Trader's Outpost (East Rohan)
Springview Estate (East Rohan)
Inhild's Home (East Rohan)
The Red Fields (East Rohan)
Abandoned Farmsteads (East Rohan)
Western Cliving Watchtower (East Rohan)
Malbeort's house (East Rohan)
Cliving Mead Hall (East Rohan)
Reeve's Kitchen (East Rohan)
Ordwacer's Home (East Rohan)
Cliving (East Rohan)
The Vacant Mill (East Rohan)
Rohirrim Training Grounds (East Rohan)
Randgar's Farm (East Rohan)
Ak-ghru (Dunland)
The Slade of Shadows (Dunland)
Rohirrim Scout-camp (Dunland)
The Tree of Tribute (Dunland)
Uvel-cadlus (Dunland)
The Mustering Tree (Dunland)
Naur-maudhul (Dunland)
Munfaeril's Shrine (Dunland)
Upper Barnavon (Dunland)
Lower Barnavon (Dunland)
Barnavon Mine (Dunland)
Hen Turrau (Dunland)
Lhun Avanc (Dunland)
Flam-cadlus (Dunland)
Lhan Colvarn (Dunland)
Lhan Rhos (Dunland)
The Pristine Glade (Dunland)
Durgors (Dunland)
